Olymphallic village
It works best as a set of complementary activities to the DingDong game. Any number of disciplines from this list can be ordered:
A giant willy throwing
Hybrid athletic discipline, which is by its nature in the zone of human activity somewhere between the throw of a ball and log. For the athletically educated present, we are prepared to inflate the rules of the game with techniques of throwing the discus, javelin or hammer.
A 35x7m court, preferably sandy, is required for the game. This discipline is a nice work out even for well muscled men and women.
The official playing "instrument" is our Roby Dick - a black willy weighing a regular 3,5 kg and with a respectable 43 cm in length.
Rubber johnny sling shooting range
From a hollow roll (perhaps the heart of a toilet paper roll, which no one was interested in anymore) and one condom in extrasafe design, a sling is created. The ammunition is chickpeas or peas.
The safe shooting range is off to the side of the village and overseen by our referees and security guards in one. The arena is set up to prevent anyone from accidentally whistling ammunition anywhere or to anyone without their prior express permission. Even if it's just to the back pocket of the pants on the butt.
Clumsy bags
Up to 7 brave skippers in jute bags after good coffee beans try to jump over the obstacles to the finish line first and in the best time of the whole tournament.
A throwback to sports camp fun. We honor both the energy-packed bags and the communal fair play without unnecessary sharp elbows and shoves.
Levitating balls
School of juggling with one and more balls. Our experts have been fine-tuning the methodology for teaching complete beginners the skill of "how to play with balls" for a long time. Thanks to this, we teach 2 out of 10 students how to juggle three balls in just 20 minutes. The capacity of the workshop is 35 people over the age of 7.
Unicorns' High
7 players stand in a circle, each with a willy on their forehead attached by a strap, they resemble unicorns. Each of the players holds 10 rings. They try to put their ring on the opponent's 'thorn' with each other's throw so that the ring remains hanging there. Each of the players has a unique color of rings. The player who places the greatest number of their rings on the opponent's willies wins.
You're dead
A game for two players. Both are wearing large party glasses covering the entire vulnerable part of their face. Each of them has either a bow and arrows with suction cups or a suction cup shotgun. The winner is the one whose sum of suction cups on the opponent's glasses exceeds the shooting successes of the opponent.
We developed the game for the type of arena visitors who would never touch a willy in their life and think it's yucky, or that children's toy guns (toys resembling and functioning as real weapons) really belong much more in the hands of children and people in general. We consider this discipline to be the 'enfant terrible' of our entire project and we really only have it in concept.